Monday, May 30, 2005

Good 'ole Dansville

Wow...the hour and a half Dansville parade was an experience!

1. Miles of tractors show up to be shown off
2. A beer bellied man was wearing a too tight stars and stipes tank top
3. Not only were horses in the parade, but Llamas, goats, and oxen
4. A high school reunion with the gang
5. A tractor held up the parade because it broke down and had to be towed by the other one
6. In front of the gas station someone parked their John Deere tractor

As I walked through town I could imagine coming back in 50 years with my family and showing them where I grew up. Then they would understand how crazy people can be.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Quotes from Brandon...The man who ran into the tree

"Do you want to play unltimate frisbee...oh wait."
"I've got this hair thats like blinders. I'm like a horse, I can't see anything on the sides."
"My arm looks extemely long today."
"I kept reading the same word over and over, then I would write a word and forget what I was writing."
"I saw my guitar and touched it to make sure it was mine."
"Someone asked me how my car was after I ran into a tree. I said there was no car, I RAN into the tree."
"What is a concusion? The nurse told me, but how would I remember?"

Poor guy...maybe he should get back to bed. Or take less medicine.

Monday, May 09, 2005

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In my Gospels and Acts class, we have been studying the Sermon on the Mount. "Your're familiar with the old written law, Love your friend, and its unwritten companion, Hate your enemy. I'm challenging that. I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respnd with energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created sleves. This is what God does..." (Matthew 5:43-47)

When discussing this our professor asked us if as Christians we should be fighting in the war right now. Shooting our enemies; is that going against Jesus' command to love your enemies?

I am not sure what to think of this. I think it is different if we go into it for the protection of others. Hmmm....somethin' to chew on!