Monday, March 07, 2005


I walked into Gospels and Acts late today to hear from my fellow gals that we are going to drop out of school. They decided they we are going to drop out, get married, and have kids. There explaination..."Jesus didn't have to go to college. Why should we?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually Jesus knew nothing of the "Old testament" as the "New testament" did not yet exist. This "Old testament" the Jr Millers refer to was, and still is, the Torah, the Guidepost of Judaism. The reason he had to learn the Torah by his 13th birthday was because this would mark the time of his bar mitzvah. A ceremony that initiates and recognizes a 13-year-old Jewish boy, and considers him an adult who is then responsible for his moral and religious duties. I'm sure you remember the Bible story where the young a Jesus teaches in front of the congregation. This is part of the bar mitzvah as performed by every Jewish boy, since long before Jesus and still to this day. additionally, young Jewish girls also have a similar ceremony called "bat mitzvah".

Just a little history on religion.
signed: 41 years a Christian.