After reading "50 things to do at Wal-Mart" we decided to pick up boxes of condoms and put them in random people's carts. Taylor discretly tried to pick condoms off the shelf while looking at the pregnancy tests. Abby yelled at her to not look at those and it would make us look even more suspicious.
So Taylor gets the condoms and puts them in our cart. Then we are on the hunt for abandoned carts to place the condoms in. First we couldn't find any carts, so Lydia stuck one box in the freezer. Then we decided to go to the produce section. Bingo, there was a full cart with no one around. I grabbed the condoms and didn't break a stide while sticking them in the person's cart.
Taylor decided that we should see the reaction on the person's face. Our face dropped when we saw the people come back to the cart. They were about 55ish. Yuck... Okay, so we see the victims and they are heading towards the checkout. There was another chance to see their reaction since they haven't noticed yet. As they found a checkout lane, I got in line behind them. The lady still didn't notice! Then she started putting her food up on the counter and she picked up this box...looked at her scrubby guy with a smirk on her face. "Did you pick these up." She smiled at him. She put the box down and gave her guy a hug. Then SHE BOUGHT THEM!!!
As Lydia said, "We just made some old couple REALLY happy tonight!"
When I told Jessica this story, Jessica said, "Amanda, you just probably created a kid." Mom and I stared at her and Mom commented, "Well not if they were using them!"
Anyways, this was probably the funniest thing I have ever done. I think you had to be there to see the reaction. But it was well worth it.
I am still laughing. Yes, seeing you re-create the face she made and her reaction is much better than reading about it!!
hey thanks for adding that little part abuot me. gosh i'm an idiot. that's SO frickin' hilarious
I knew I had heard of doing this somewhere, boy that good ol walmart list...you guys are too funny!! That is something I will have to try sometime...maybe when all of my "mom" friends have a girls night out!! Too funny!!
You guys crack me up. I don't think I ever took you to walmart and made you pick up condoms and put them in other people's carts! You can never complain about how bad of an aunt I was again!! :)
What's up with that?
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