Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmast Update

Since I am home for Christmas, it has been a catch up on doctors visits. I went to my knee doctor. He was very surprised that I have been playing volleyball lately. In the beginning of the summer I am going to have surgery to take out my staple that was holding my ACL in place. The next day I went to the allergist to see what I was allergic to. First they poked me 67 times with the things they thought I might be allergic to. Then I had to wait 20 minutes to see which ones I really was allergic to. It turns out I am allergic to most grasses, weeds, trees, mold, and animals. This doesn't really work out since I have a summer job involving most of these. Yesterday I got my first allergy shot. Not to mention I have so many allergies, I have to get two shots. Wow, this is going to get old. Every week for 6-8 months. My arm must of had a reaction because it now has a welt where I got the shot.

Now for the good news...I got my grades today...All A's!!! Yeah!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


USAGE NOTE Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where the X represents a Greek chi, the first letter of Χριστος, “Christ.” In this use it is parallel to other forms like Xtian, “Christian.” But people unaware of the Greek origin of this X often mistakenly interpret Xmas as an informal shortening pronounced (ĕks'məs). Many therefore frown upon the term Xmas because it seems to them a commercial convenience that omits Christ from Christmas.

After listening to Noels Jeezit, it makes me think about Christmas and how blown out of proportion. I have read a couple of peer writings about Xmas is taking Christ out of Christmas. They must have missed the Greek definition. Plus the issue of Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas. I have heard complaining from both sides here at school. Kind of annoying!

Thursday, December 08, 2005


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There is a gigantic blizzard outside!!! Liz, Lydia and I went sledding at Mount Beebe. The best part is that we didn't have any sleds, so we used trays from the dining commons. They worked like a charm!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

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I am not really sure what to think of this movie. Matt came down to Spring Arbor last night and we went to see RENT. Because it was a musical, I thought he would hate it, but he said he would go see it again. I am not sure that I liked it. The singing was good, but the story was odd. I can't decided if I liked it or not.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Recycled food...yum!

The dinning commons must be in a contest to see how many variations of rice and beef they can serve within 3 days.

  1. Black beans and rice
  2. steamed white rice
  3. fried rice
  4. mexican rice


  1. Beef fajitas
  2. beef turnovers
  3. just plain beef
  4. beef stew

Goodness...get some variety. I can't handle this!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Puerto Rico...Here I Come

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I found out today, I got accepted to go on a missions trip with SAU to Puerto Rico. We will be doing maitenance projects during the day and working with kids and youth at night. We stay at a campground on the Caribbean and of course get to do a bit of sight seeing. This is an awesome opportunity that I cannot wait for.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

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Let me tell you, the tears were flowing yesterday. I went to see my Memaw (Great Grandma). She isn't supposed to make it through the week. She could hear us but not respond. The saddest part was when Pepaw (Great Grandpa) leaned down and gave a kiss to "My Sweet Mommy" (that's what he calls her).

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween

Last night Lydia and I went trunk or treating. The Spring Arbor church lines up cars and we go around to the decorated trunks to get candy. Then Karilynn and I trick or treated at all the girls dorms. Fun times!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

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Yes, there is a mountain lion on campus. It has been seen three times this week. Now, tell me how I am going to LOOK BIG when there is a mountain lion starring me down?!?!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Flap Jack

Matt took Jessica, Abby, and me to Flap Jack for Sunday lunch. We felt like we were in a nursing home or something like that. All of the waitress spoke really loud. I'm guessing because most of their customers can't hear what they are saying.
-The booth in front of us had a young couple and an older than dirt guy. The woman was talking about how she isn't afraid of dying because heaven is what is on the other side. Meanwhile, the guy across from her is about to die because he is so old.
-The booth across from us had an old couple. The woman didn't have the strength to feed herself. The husband was trying to feed her but his hand was shaking so bad, he couldn't get it in her mouth. Cute, but funny.
- The booth behind us was the only other table under the age of 75. The couple had three young kids. However, each kid was a different ethnicity.
Wow, it was an adventure!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

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What a Cutie! Elijah is 2!
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Playing with his new bubble gun
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Karilynn and I went to Midneight Madness at SAU last night. It was a sad spinoff of MSU's Midnight Madness. Oh, well we had fun at Denny's after!
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Matty came for a visit.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


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Me and my roomie, Lydia. We have roomed together for two years!

Make Over

Lydia, Liz, Karilynn and I decided to practice our makeup for Halloween. Karilynn did my makeup normal, but everyone else was either a princess, cat or something else. We had tons of fun!!!

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The final Product
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Me and Karilynn
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The Gang!
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Liz and Lydia

Dance Aerobics

Last night we decided to exercise by dancing. At school dances I was the one that held up the walls by leaning against them, but last night I had fun!
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The Gang
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Shake it like a polaroid picture, shake it, shake it...

Monday, September 26, 2005


This past weekend I went to Chicago with an SAU class. We saw Chinatown, Indiatown, and the Mexican community. The funnest part was free time downtown. Emily, Kazia and I walked around and of course shopped. There were many scary moments, but definetly lots of fun. I'll post pics later.

Quotes from the trip:
"Beep at a gang member and wait to see what happens." ~Kazia
"If I were homeless, I would eat you bird." ~Josh

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Karilynn & Me

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What would I do without her?!?!?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Birthday Weekend

So my birthday weekend wasn't exactly what I expected...
1. I stepped on a nail in the barnyard. I now have a hole in my foot.
2. Matt decided to slam on the brakes and spill a full Orange Hi-C drink all over my car.
3. My CD player in my car stopped working.
4. I got into the wrong car after church. I couldn't figure out why my car door wouldn't unlock. It helps if you try the right car.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sometimes I Forget How Weird This Place Is

First of all, my roomate Lydia and I are sitting in the Dining Commons. A older woman walks in with a horse riding uniform. She is wearing a tank top, tight pants, boots, and spurs. The whole deal! Her pants are so tight, you can see everything. With the straightest face, Lydia says, "My friends call that cottage cheese!" We could not stop laughing at the woman and how Lydia said it.

Then Karilynn calls me to tell me a really weird guy called her room. He was asking her strange questions and was being really creepy about it. I told her to tell campus safety. About an hour later, Karilynn got a call from the head of campus security. They had traced the number to a construction worker working across the street from her room. He was fired immediately. How scary is that!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Back to It

Back to the arbor for me. I started classes today. I found out I am going to Chicago in two weeks with my core group. That should be pretty sweet. We are going to eat at different culture's restaurants. Then we are going to a play and the Magnificent Mile. I can't wait.

And then I found out that my Aunt Gayle passed away this morning. Although it was expected, it was a reality check. God has our timing, not us.
Since no man know the future, who can tell him what is to come? Ecclesiastes 8:7

Monday, May 30, 2005

Good 'ole Dansville

Wow...the hour and a half Dansville parade was an experience!

1. Miles of tractors show up to be shown off
2. A beer bellied man was wearing a too tight stars and stipes tank top
3. Not only were horses in the parade, but Llamas, goats, and oxen
4. A high school reunion with the gang
5. A tractor held up the parade because it broke down and had to be towed by the other one
6. In front of the gas station someone parked their John Deere tractor

As I walked through town I could imagine coming back in 50 years with my family and showing them where I grew up. Then they would understand how crazy people can be.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Quotes from Brandon...The man who ran into the tree

"Do you want to play unltimate frisbee...oh wait."
"I've got this hair thats like blinders. I'm like a horse, I can't see anything on the sides."
"My arm looks extemely long today."
"I kept reading the same word over and over, then I would write a word and forget what I was writing."
"I saw my guitar and touched it to make sure it was mine."
"Someone asked me how my car was after I ran into a tree. I said there was no car, I RAN into the tree."
"What is a concusion? The nurse told me, but how would I remember?"

Poor guy...maybe he should get back to bed. Or take less medicine.

Monday, May 09, 2005

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In my Gospels and Acts class, we have been studying the Sermon on the Mount. "Your're familiar with the old written law, Love your friend, and its unwritten companion, Hate your enemy. I'm challenging that. I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respnd with energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created sleves. This is what God does..." (Matthew 5:43-47)

When discussing this our professor asked us if as Christians we should be fighting in the war right now. Shooting our enemies; is that going against Jesus' command to love your enemies?

I am not sure what to think of this. I think it is different if we go into it for the protection of others. Hmmm....somethin' to chew on!

Friday, April 29, 2005

365 Days Ago..

Wow, I don't really know where to start except for I have been doing a lot of thinking today. It was a year ago to this hour that I was in the emergency room after a motorcycle accident. At first I did not really think into it. I figured it was kind of ironic that we would hit a dog in the middle of Lansing. Later I was to the stage that I couldn't believe God would allow this to happen to me. This was supposed to be the biggest year of my life. I was going to finish my track season as the captain of the team, walk down the aisle at graduation, and then head off to college. My dorm room was paid for at MSU. My plans were set. God had a different plan. He was going to stretch me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And that he did.
Showing weakness is one of the hardest things for me. I had to sit back and watch my sister have loads of fun her last few days of high school with our friends, sit on the side lines of prom with my crutches as my only date, watch everyone zoom by me as they were planning our open house, and much, much more. Instead of being at school with my friends, I was lying in bed. Of course it wasn't too bad when they were all studying for finals, I was playing Go Fish with Ethan. (We became pros at card games)
Becaue of the small campus and my sister attending Spring Arbor University, I decided it was the place for me. I knew I was going to have a second surgery over Christmas and the smaller campus would make life a bit easier. I am sure Jess sometimes hated everytime I asked her for help, but she never showed it. (God may have stretched her as much as me!)
At first I did a really good job of putting on a mask, that nothing bothered me. After a few weeks into college I realized I put on the happy face for too long, hoping no one would really notice how much I hated not being able to participate in everyday activities.
Hopefully life will sometime get back to normal. This week was an encouragement because I was able to run for the first time. In two weeks I have a doctors appointment so I can get a knee brace. Then I will be able to play volleyball.
I thank God continuously for even being able to walk at all. I realized I took for granted being able to take a single step. That also reminds me of the amazing family that stuck with me and still does when I am having a bad day. Mom and Dad filled up my ice packs and gave me medicine at the craziest hours at night. I don't think they got much sleep for a long time. My mom always said she "became one" with my leg. When I was having a bad day, Mom and Tricia would make me laugh by saying, "You'll be alright!" They knew it would make me smile.
Through all the tears and questioning I have learned to keep trusting God. He is in control of my life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

You know you go to a Christian college when...

Only at Spring Arbor University would there be a Root Beer Kegger Party!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Here's Your Sign!!!

Today was registration day for 2005/2006 academic year. The doors opened at 8:30am. I got in line at 7:00 and was about 15 people from the door. When one of the registration workers walked by he asked, "So, who was the first person here?" Duh, wouldn't the first person here, be the first one in line? Here's your sign!

Monday, April 18, 2005

My New Favorite Song

My Glorious-
The world's shaking with the love of God
Great and glorious, let the whole earth sing
And all you ever do is change the old for new
People we believe that

God is bigger than the air I breathe
The world we'll leave
God will save the day and all will say
My glorious!

Clouds are breaking, heaven's come to earth
Hearts awakening let the church bells ring
And all you ever do is change the old for new
People we believe that

My New Baby

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This is the new arrival on our farm, Cooper. He weighs 96 pounds. Last night I was supposed to give him his shots, I pulled the cap off the needle, and freeked out. I couldn't hurt him. Then we had to give him his ear tattoo and ear tag. It was really sad. But he is super cute and really nice!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Today was officially, "Beat up on the Country Girls".
~First of all, I was telling Shauna my weekend plans.
1. Mow Fairways
2. Attend a pig meeting
3. Dig up irrigation heads
4. Fill steers' water tanks
5. Wash my steers
"Wow, you country folk are way superior to us mediocre city people." ~Shauna

~ Second, Jess, Lydia, and I decided to do sit ups in my room. We don't like to listen to the
cheesy work out music on the video tape, so I play my playlist off of Windows Media. My
favorite country song comes on, "Little Moments". This is kind of a love song, so its slow.
"I don't think I have ever worked out to country music." ~Lydia (my roommate)

I guess not everyone loves country music (tricia:). That's all right. I'll stick to washin' steers and listening to my awesome country music.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Weather Person

I think I am going to become a meteorologist. I could have told you last night it was going to rain. Not because I am psychic, but because my knee hurt like heck. I couldn't believe it. I always heard that happening to older people, but come on, I am only 18. My knee also sucks because right now everyone is going to go jump on someone's trampoline, but I can't. Also, the girls go either rollerblading or running everyday. Guess who can't do that either! ME!!!
Sometimes I wonder why things happen to people. Like why did I have to go skidding down Cedar Street or why does my aunt have to have cancer? Hmmm....


Okay, who really goes to bed at 11pm on a college campus. Last night I got yelled at by the girl in the room next to me. Apparently I was talking on the phone too loud. Give me a break. It is only 11!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Last night I told Matt that Jessica had bought roller blades. After Jess tried them out, I thought I should give them a try. Nevermind the fact that I have a screwed up knee with not all my ligaments in the right spots. Matt told Wanda, his mom. She then told him, she would be right back. She had to run to the store to buy "Get Well Cards" for me and Jess.

Why does everyone think we are so accident prone?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Sleep Deprivation

Today in Psych we learned about sleep deprivation. As our prof was giving the lecture on sleep, most of us were falling asleep! I think I have a serious case of this!

"Sleep"by Riley Armstrong
Album: Riley Armstrong
Artist Info: Discography
Song Clip: Real Audio

looking straight at the light
it never used to be that bright last night
but it's a new day with fuzz in my eyes
alarm is still ringing when I open the blinds
how do these people do it
they are like driving around like there's nothing to it
I imagine it's like the medication their on
or probably just the coffee but
one thing is certain in life
and that is that today I'm going to eat cereal
I mean come on let's get our priorities straight
but before I know it I'm out the door late
just trying to catch some rat or some race
or something I'm not quite sure what it is
so for now I just best keep moving
and by nine a.m. my brain and my body
finally decide to meet
and we come to the same conclusion as yesterday
that I never get enough sleep

{chorus}:sleep, no I never get enough
always waking up tired
sleep, no I never get enough
if I don't show up I might get fired
sleep, no I never get enough
always waking up tired
sleep, no I never get enough
if I don't show up I might get fired

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Spring Break is Over :(

My Spring Break was not the most exciting, but very relaxing. I did lots of stuff...
1) Shop, Shop, Shop
2) Worked at MSU
3) Observation Hours at Dansville
4) Hung out with the coolest cousins in the world!!!
5) Saw Justine, Ashley, and Cory
6) Watched Brent win a 3 on 3 Bball Tourney and get into a fight
7) Got a cold...not fun!!!
8) Hung out with Paytons and Parents
9) Hung out with Matthew
10) Watched lots of XBox

Spring Is Here

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Friday, March 11, 2005


Yippy...spring break is only two classes away. I don't have anything huge planned except for a lot of sleep:)

Monday, March 07, 2005


I walked into Gospels and Acts late today to hear from my fellow gals that we are going to drop out of school. They decided they we are going to drop out, get married, and have kids. There explaination..."Jesus didn't have to go to college. Why should we?"

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Weekend Quotes

This weekend Jess, Cory, Emily, and I went home with Kate. We had tons of fun and actually a lot of sleep. Very relaxing!!!

"Well see... Laundry... that's something I just don't have money for." (Kate at the movie store begging for quarters)

"I'm not afraid of you since you made those oatmeal bars." (Emily to Kate's Dad, Phil, who could be a little intimidating until you get to know him.)

"The horse just violated me." (Jess after riding the Meijers pony.)

"So do you want anything from Jamaica?" (My cousin Kyle randomly calling to tell us he is on his way to Jamaica.)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Hosted by Photobucket.comI HATE DOGS!!! Tonight I was reminded of how much I hate dogs that run in the road.

1. In April I went skidding down Cedar Street because of a dog that looked like this one.

2. Two weeks later, Jessica got in a car accident because a dog was in the road in Holt.

3. This winter, Jessica Holeman went in the ditch in Minnesota to avoid a dog in the road.

4. Saturday while Jess, Jessica H., and I were on our way to a volleyball game in Bellevue, a dog was taking his time walking across the road right in front of us. Thankful we had enough time to stop.

5. On the way to a basketball game in Bellevue tonight I screamed at Jess to watch out for the dog running along side us on the highway.

Why don't people take care of their freakin' dogs!!! I would have a normal knee, our car would have had one less dent, and Jessica Holeman wouldn't of had to be pulled out of the ditch.

Monday, February 28, 2005

21st Century

Last night Jessica, Brent, and I were watching the Oscars. All of a sudden it dawned on me that each of us was working on our own laptop plus Brent was on the family desktop computer as well. Talk about living in the 21st century by having four computers. (or as Brent pointed out, maybe we are just nerds!!!)

Thursday, February 24, 2005


Kickboxing Rocks!!! Today in my physical fitness class, we learned kickboxing. It's tons of fun especially watching very unathletic people!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Breakthrough of the Century

I can actually have fun at college...

1. Taylor, Heidi, and John came for dinner. We went to Olive Garden...yum!!!
2. We went to an awesome worship service.
3. Matt called. Jess and Kate sang songs to him.
4. About 20 overworked college kids took a break with catchphrase. Fun stuff.
5. Kate singing in a horrible voice...but she is just kidding. I didn't think so!
6. I found a book on Jessica's desk, "The Truth about Depression". I asked her why she had it. With a straight face she looked at me with an empty look. Then I said, "Jessica, I am really worried. We need to have a talk." Apparently her roommate Kate is doing a project on depression. However they lead me to think Jess was depressed.
7. I am witnessing a temper tantrum from my awesome cousin Kate.
8. We are on our way to Meijers...more later!
9. Back from a fun 3am trip to Meijers. There are some creepy people at the store at that time.
10. Jessica and Kate dying their hair.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

(or as some call it here, Single's Awareness Day!!!)
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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Teaching Already...ahhh!!!

Hosted by Photobucket.comToday was my first day of observation. First, I went to the wrong building. Apparently Jackson Christian Elementary is nowhere near Jackson Christian High School. Then the teacher I was supposed to work with wasn't there so I had to work with the principal. When she got a break to talk to me, she asked if I wanted to teach a heritage lesson each week. Hold the phone!!! This was my first day! So starting next week I am going to be teaching social studies to third graders. Considering I hate history, this is going to be a huge stretch!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Team - Thrift Shop

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My Core group went bowling last week. Our theme was thrift. So Jess and I went shopping at a thrift store in Jackson. I wore a sweet teal jacket that said "Country Kickers". Then I bought some cowboy boots to match. My group decided I wasn't thrifty enough, so I had to wear a leopard print shirt. Fun Stuff!!!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Fact or Fiction???

Matt and I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre this weekend. I had always heard that it was a true story. He of course didn't believe me, so we called Jess to google it. She couldn't find anything, so while I was at Tricia's we researched and came to the conclusion that it is based on a true story. There really was a guy that robbed graves and used there body parts for crazy things. So I guess the chainsaw part is fake. I DON"T GET IT!!!!!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Marshalls vs. Hair Dye

Last night was pretty fun for once. I went shopping with about 6 other girls from Spring Arbor. Then Kate and Annie decided to dye their hair. Wow, that was interesting to say the least. Kate dyed her hair and then accidently washed it out. You gotta love her!!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I Can't Believe I am Doing This!!!

Well, I am just trying this because everyone else in the world has one. They are fun to read but I don't think I want everyone to know every detail about my life.